We have all seen the phenomenal growth spurt of eBay and have been amazed by it. Today eBay is a major market place that sells billions each and every day. With some basic skills you can find anything that you heart might desire on eBay. However, the problem is no longer is it being sold on eBay. eBay is such a huge market place that the new problem has become can you find it on eBay. This article is filled with useful tips to help your search eBay to find the exact products you are looking for at a great price.
For many users the World Wide Web and eBay in particular are a fun place to just click around and explore things and that is a lot of fun. On the other hand if you have a specific product that you want not being able to find it can be a source of frustration for many. The real skill today lays in intelligent and targeted search through eBay's listings.
Not the Search Box silly!
Most people that have chosen to look for things on eBay either waste hours wandering around aimlessly hoping to stumble upon the product they want or they use the very limited eBay search box on the front page. This is fine for basic searches and simple products. However, if you want to unlock the huge treasure trove of products then you are going to have to search eBay using their advanced searching features. If you look under the standard search box for the words advanced search and click on the link you can start to do strategic searching.
From the advanced search menu you can see a wide variety of options that opens up to you. For example you can search by excluding words that you do not want. You can also search by seller, by buyer or category. Using these advanced features can help you narrow down the results and find the specific items you are looking for. Often items will be sold for really cheap only because they are so buried and the seller has not used a good auction title. So by truly searching eBay and using the advanced search you can find tremendous deals.
Been there, Done that Searching
Not sure what to pay for the item you are looking for or want to find out what a good price for a product would be? Then try going to the advanced search page on eBay and type in your keywords. Then about midway down the page check the box that says "Completed Listings Only" This will give you a full overview of the products that have sold or not sold on eBay and the prices they have gone for. This is a great way to find out what your top bid should be. Just remember to include the cost of shipping. Sometimes products that look cheaper are really not because of the shipping price.
What is your Model's number?
Do you have a specific item in mind that you really want to purchase? If you have read all of the latest reviews on digital cameras and you know that you want a Canon A610 digital camera then try using the model number in your search. This will filter out some of the useless auctions and help you narrow the field to find exactly what you are looking for.
Super Deals Typoo Searching
Another great way to use eBay searches to save a little extra money for your house is look for auction with typos in the title. These often get missed in the plethora of products and you can therefore swoop in at the last minute and place a bid right before it closes. This is really pretty easy to do just come up with a list of misspelled keywords for the items you want to buy. Then look at the auction titles and find the products that don't have any bids yet.
By using eBay search and the advanced search feature you can find incredible deals and target the exact product you are looking for. This will help you get in to eBay and get out quickly. You have no wasted time meandering around the eBay neighborhood.
For more free quality information about eBay Searches and Saving Money visit our site
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