Saturday, May 10, 2008

How To Create And Manage An Quotabout Mequot Page On Ebay

Writen by Donny Lowy

EBay enables you to create your own page which is in other words "About Me" page. Either you can use your own HTML code or else there is a simple process where first you enter page content or the information that you want to provide. Also, you can add pictures if you desire. All these can be done on a page layout selected by you from the menu. Next, is to preview your layout and content. Once you are satisfied you can click on the "submit" button. Now you can save your page. After all this eBay will then send you an email providing you your URL or website address. You are now ready to tell your friends about your "about me" page giving them this URL. Users who do not have your id will see the "me" icon near your User ID. Clicking on this link shall lead them to visit your page and hence can know about you.

After creating you need to manage your webpage. For this you might need to update it. For updating or adding new information, you can use the edit function. You have the facility to use special eBay's HTML tags to personalize the "About Me" page. You may also add new pictures to your page by using the provided "eBay Picture Service". In your "About Me" page you may display two pictures of 2MB size each. You even can use the uploading pictures service of eBay; the link is called "Uploading your picture to eBay". If you have the basic knowledge of HTML, you can use the special link of HTML called "HTML tags for About Me" to personalize your page. You may even delete your "About Me" page at any point of time according to your wish by clicking on "Delete Your Page" link.

Donny Lowy runs an online wholesale and closeout business that supplies eBay sellers, retailers, and flea market vendors.

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