Monday, May 26, 2008

How To Create Rename Or Delete Picture Manager Folders On Ebay

Writen by Donny Lowy

With the help of "My eBay Manage Folders" page you can create, rename, or delete your Picture Manager folders. For this go to My eBay, click on "manage folders" link from the drop down menu of "select folders". Now you can rename, add or delete folders.

When you want to create new folder to Picture Manager first click on the "add folders" link a new page will be displayed. Here enter the folder name you want to create in the text box and then again click on the "add folder" link seen on this page. You can add as many folders as you wish. You will find the name of new folders on Manage Folders page. Each of the folders you add should have a different name otherwise you get an error message for duplicate name.

When you want to rename a folder click the check box near that folder and click on the "rename" button. A new page will be displayed. Here you type a new folder name in the text box and click on the "save changes" button. You will see the newly named folder has appeared on the Manage Folders page.

If you want to delete any or more of the folders click on the check box(s) near the folder name and click on the delete button. A message will appear asking you to confirm whether you really want to delete the folder(s) and the pictures they contain? There would be a reminder that "once you delete the said pictures they will get deleted from all your items and the places where you had used them". If you click the "OK" button in this message box, it will permanently delete the folder(s) and all the pictures in the folder(s). And if you click the "cancel" button it will close the message box without deleting the folder(s) or pictures.

Donny Lowy runs an online wholesale and closeout business that supplies eBay sellers, retailers, and flea market vendors.

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