eBay sellers are engaged in a constant search for the hottest selling items.
Online auctioneers have now more auction sites at their disposal than ever before.
Sites such as eBay, Amazon, and Yahoo all offer selling opportunities for online entrepreneurs.
But having a place to sell your merchandise is only part of the battle.
The next step is knowing how to sell your merchandise.
Gone are the days when someone could simply place an item up for auction and expect to receive bids.
Now the same seller must be educated in terms of online selling to experience a decent level of success.
Sites such as ebaybusinessbook.com offer the type of information that an eBay seller can use to build their online auction business.
But the question that still begs to be asked is, "What should I sell?"
This is where both eBay and Amazon come to the rescue.
Both of these online giants share information on their sales with the general public.
Their purpose in sharing this information is to help sellers grow their business so that they can conduct more auctions and sales on their sites.
While it might be a self serving action, it can definitely benefit eBay and Amazon sellers.
For instance, Amazon and eBay announced that during Thanksgiving of 2005 their top sellers where electronics products.
As a seller you can use this information to gear up your electronic sales.
You can use wholesale search engines such as www.wholesalequest.com to find wholesale electronic sources.
Remember that staying on top of sales trends is the third and most important ingredient in your online auction business.
Donny Lowy runs a wholesale business geared towards eBay sellers at: http://www.closeoutexplosion.com
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