Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ebay Auctions Some Of The Oddest Items Ever Auctioned

Writen by Mikel Beck

eBay has become the hotspot for people to sell strange items. Over the past few years, where eBay has grown from a virtually unknown web site to the leading online auction marketplace in the world, some very odd items and services have been offered up for auction on the site. Strangely enough, many of these strange items have sold for thousands even tens of thousands dollars. A few of these items have sold for six or seven figures as well. eBay does have a policy that it takes down any auctions that it sees as not legitimate, but still, it allows many of these strange auctions to take place. In fact, these strange auctions have become part of the culture in America as they appear in Late Night Television shows, comedic sketches, and in thousands of websites and Internet blogs.

The most recent strange auction that was covered on a National scale and fetched a very high price was when a mother found an old lunch box with a cheese sandwich more than a decade old on which mold had formed in the shape of the face of Virgin Mary. The item was put on eBay and sold for $28,000. That's right, an old moldy sandwich with the shape of a religious figure fetched $28,000 on eBay. Many people have offered other strange services like becoming a fan of a certain team, while others have sold themselves for a week or attempted to sell their families (I am not making any of this up. Some people really do go to far lengths to make some money.)

I always find it very interesting when some item that many would disregard as worthless fetches thousands of dollars. It is truly mind boggling. Each day, tens of thousands of items are placed on eBay and as of late, it is a growing trend to try and sell all the worthless junk you can imagine on the web site, buy spinning the sales pitch to make the item sound one of a kind or very rare and valuable.

Some of the more recent items that were placed on the web site include a x-ray of the stomach of a duck which seems to have an alien inside (sold for the whopping price of $9,600), a French fry in the shape of the Nike logo, and a guy willing to bang his head on a door until he was unconscious for a certain sum of money.

Just note, if you are planning on selling a strange item on eBay, it will not automatically make you thousands, the market is now becoming saturated and many auctions do not sell. The more strange and shocking your auction is, the better chance it has of being sold on eBay.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of other very, very strange eBay auctions going on right now and hundreds more are added daily. Use our eBay product search engine to find some of the strangest items ever sold on eBay. Just type in the term for an item you wouldn't expect to be sold over the Internet, like "hot dog", and see what you get.

Mikel Beck is the owner of, which is a search engine that allows you to search eBay for listings that have misspellings. He can be reached by e-mailing or

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